Two Tips To Help You Get Dental Care On A Budget

Regular, quality dental care is important for so many reasons.  Not only does it help you maintain your oral health, but it can also be the key to detecting other medical issues throughout the body.  However, when your funds are limited, you may think that you just can't afford to go to the dentist.  Don't let your income cause you to neglect the state of your teeth and gums; use this information to learn more about what you can do to get medical care even when you're on a tight budget. Read More 

Shatter a Tooth? Practical Replacement Options

If a tooth in your mouth has shattered and you need to have what's left of it extracted and removed, there are different options you can look at so you can restore your dental health. You may not be interested in having a temporary tooth put in, and instead you may want a permanent fix. Here are a few of the options you can look into to replace the tooth that you had, depending on your budget and how much time and care you want to put into your oral health in the future. Read More 

Pacifier Versus Thumb-Sucking: Which Is Better for Your Baby’s Teeth?

Thumb-sucking and pacifiers both have their pros and cons. There will be some parents who are wildly against pacifiers, while others prefer pacifiers over the sucking of a thumb. Dentists prefer to avoid both, but is one option better than the other? Here's a look at the pros and cons of both to help. Reducing the Risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) SIDS is one of the biggest fears for parents. Read More 

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Safe Teething Treatments

A new parent will beam with pride when their child's first tooth breaks through the gums and then realize it's time to look for teething treatments. There are hundreds of treatments, old wives' tales, and even some questionable options to help relieve a child's pain from an erupting tooth. It's time to separate the bad advice from the fantastic advice before rubbing rum on a baby's gums. Old Wives' Tales Read More 

3 Reasons Your Dental Implant Could Become Less Secure

If you have a dental implant or plan to have one installed, you are probably thrilled at the thought of restoring your missing tooth. A dental implant restoration replaces the crown and root of your lost tooth. The implant screw, which acts as a prosthetic dental root, secures the implant within the bone of the jaw. Still, an implant may fail and have to be replaced in certain instances. Once it fails or becomes loose within the bone, the implant cannot be reset or stabilized again. Read More