Why You Should Have Your Teeth Whitened By A Dentist Before An Interview

Getting your teeth whitened can make a big difference before a job interview. While people don't like to admit it, studies have shown that people prefer it when others have whiter-looking teeth, especially if they're being considered for a job. If you're thinking of using this fact to your advantage, you should get your teeth whitened by a dentist. Here's why it's better than doing it yourself. No Sensitivity Gum and tooth sensitivity is very common after whitening your teeth at home. Read More 

Whiter Teeth With Simple Steps

Brushing teeth may frustrate you because you don't see a blindingly white smile no matter how much scrubbing is done. Turning your focus to these recommendations could produce the glowing smile you're after. Using Straws An immediate defense against agents which could disrupt your dreams of a whiter smile is a straw. Using these items whenever having tea, coffee, and even wine could restrict the access of those staining substances to a very small area. Read More 

Signs Your Child Should See A Dentist

Seeing your child in pain from a toothache is distressing, and you'll want to get your child to your family dentist right away for treatment. While seeing a dentist for a toothache is pretty obvious, there are other signs your child should see a dentist that you might overlook. It's a good idea to supervise young children when they brush you so can examine their teeth and gums to catch problems early. Read More 

3 Facts Regarding Tooth Infections And Treatment

If your dentist has diagnosed you with a tooth infection, you may have a lot of questions. While infections in teeth are common, they must be treated soon before they become a dental emergency. If you would like to know more about tooth infections and how they are treated, check out these three facts: They Can Be Extremely Painful A tooth infection is basically an infection inside the tooth. If you have an infection, you may notice pain, inflammation, swelling, or even pus coming from the tooth. Read More 

3 Dental Tips To Get Your Child Started On The Right Path

If you have a growing baby on your hands, you're probably preoccupied with making sure you do everything right for your baby from a health standpoint to get your little one off to a great start in life. While the baby's diet and any pressing medical concerns are probably at the top of your mind, one area you don't want to forget about is your child's mental health. As your baby becomes a toddler and starts growing teeth, it's time to start thinking about setting up an oral care routine. Read More