Four Advantages Of Getting A Dental Crown Versus A Tooth Extraction

If you have a tooth that you are thinking about having removed and your dentist has told you that it is a candidate for a dental crown, you may want to give thought to having this done rather than pulling the tooth. The following are four advantages to having a dental crown made rather than removing the truth. A dental crown helps keep your teeth in place A tooth extraction will mean an empty space on your gums. Read More 

Types Of Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a specific type of dental installation that are used for smaller cavities and areas of decay. Unlike dental crowns, which are installed over a deteriorated tooth in order to rebuild the structural integrity of that specific tooth, dental fillings are designed to fit into a relatively intact tooth and maintain the existing structural integrity. There are several different types of materials that dental fillings can be made out of, each of which possesses a different set of characteristics. Read More 

Dental Things You Really Don’t Have To Worry About

You see so many articles about warning signs and all the bad things that can happen to your teeth, but there are also a lot of things that look worrisome and really aren't. For most people, teeth are much stronger than they think, and not every strange-looking thing or weird event means something is wrong. Here are a few dental things that you really don't have to stress over. Those Vertical Lines on Your Teeth Read More 

4 Tips For Making Your Dental Visit Better

If you're like most people, you may not enjoy going to the dentist. This may even cause you lots of anxiety and prevent you from being there for your appointment. The good news is that there are many things you can do that will help you stress less about going to the dentist and allow you to get any necessary work done or a simply routine visit. Being aware of tips that can allow you to have a more relaxed time at the dentist is sure to be ideal. Read More 

Stinky Clear Aligners? - How To Resolve The Issue

If you have recently started wearing clear aligner trays to straighten your teeth, then you may be thrilled about how they are unnoticeable to others. While this is true, you may have noticed something that is not so invisible to your friends, coworkers, and family members. Specifically, you may have learned a bit about the smell that is emitted from the Invisalign aligners. A slight odor is common, and odors typically build the longer you wear your trays. Read More