3 Things To Do After Getting Partial Dentures

Your dentist may often suggest partial dentures to replace one or more teeth following dental extractions. The dentures will replace your missing teeth, restore your ability to talk and chew, and maintain your jaw structure and facial appearance. Your partial dentures are very easy to take care of, but there are a few steps you need to take after getting them. Here are a few suggestions to ensure you have the best experience with your new teeth.

1. Give Yourself Time To Get Used To Your Partial

If you receive your partial dentures immediately following your extraction, they will start off being slightly uncomfortable. They may be placed directly over your raw extraction sites. Follow all of your dentist's instructions to ensure optimal healing. 

Although your partial may feel bulky or even uncomfortable, keep it as long as you can tolerate it. Most dentists suggest keeping it in at least the first 24 hours following your extraction to reduce swelling. Remove them only to clean them and then put them back in. Keep them as much as possible for at least the first week.

2. Adjust Your Diet

After receiving your extractions and partial dentures, you must adjust your diet. You will want to remain on a soft diet for a week or more. Soft foods will allow you to get used to your new partial and protect your surgery site. 

A soft diet consists of foods you can mash or cut easily with your fork. Some soft diet suggestions include the following:

  • Well cooked pasta
  • Eggs cooked in any style
  • Bananas or avocados
  • Oatmeal, grits, malt-o-meal
  • Fish, tuna, or chicken salad
  • Soft cheeses, tofu, hummus

These are just a few suggestions. There are many other things you can eat. Although you can have well-cooked pasta, you may want to avoid tomato products and other very acidic foods. These foods could potentially irritate your healing gums. 

3. Rinse Your Mouth Following Each Meal Starting 24 Hours After Your Extractions

Soft foods can sometimes have tiny pieces that can become potential irritants under your new partial denture and be abrasive to your healing gums. Rinse your mouth after each meal for the next couple of weeks or until you fully heal. 

Many dentists suggest a warm salt water rinse but may give you a professional rinse. Avoid over-the-counter mouth rinses or topical anesthetics. These rinses can be very caustic. 

Do not rinse for the first 24 hours following your extractions. Rinsing during this time can dislodge the blood clot you need for healing and can potentially cause a painful condition called dry socket.

For more information on partial dentures, contact a professional near you.
