Brushing May Not Be Enough

Dentists and dental hygienists often tell their patients to brush at least two times a day and floss at the same time. However, that time-honored advice might not be enough for some. To really bring your preventative dental care routines to a higher level, consider what dentists say about taking things a step further between your check-ups.

Brush Better – Using a manual toothbrush is the tried and true method of removing harmful substances and bacteria from your mouth. However, many people don't use the proper up and down and back and forth motions necessary to do a proper job. An electric toothbrush, on the other hand, does all of the work for you. The automatic motions of the electric toothbrush are quick, small, and precise so they do a better job of cleaning the surfaces of your mouth. Some people using a manual toothbrush tend to use too much force when they brush and that force can be focused on a particular area. That, unfortunately, can damage gum tissue and create the right circumstances for an infection (abscess). The fast motion of the electric toothbrush also polishes your teeth while you brush. As a bonus, timers on electric toothbrushes will spur you to brush for the recommended amount of time.

Floss the Right Way – Even an electric toothbrush can miss stuff between your teeth and that is where flossing comes in. You should floss by holding it in a c-shape so that you get down to the gums on both sides of each tooth. You might also consider using a special brush rather than the traditional waxed floss. Interdental brushes come in a variety of sizes and shapes and allow you to reach the in-between spaces better. These brushes are less likely to cut into the gums as floss can.

Floss Rinse Brush Rinse – Removing debris from your teeth and then allowing it to hang around in your mouth doesn't make any sense. Be sure you are rinsing your mouth completely after both brushing and flossing. Simple water makes a good rinse but you can also use mouthwash to rinse the loose food particles from your teeth and mouth.

Brush Your Tongue Too – Not to gross anyone out but tongues are rife with bacteria. That can lead to infections, cavities, and bad breath. As you brush your teeth, go over the surfaces of your tongue at the same time. Then, use a fluoride mouth rinse to top things off.

For even more tips on upping your dental cleaning routine, speak to your dentist during your next visit. 

