Sugar Sensitivity With Teeth: Why It Happens And How To Treat It

A lot of people suffer from sharp twinges of pain when drinking ice-cold water or eating ice cream, but do you feel a twinge of pain when eating really sugary foods? If you do, you might have a sugar sensitivity issue. This type of sensitivity often reveals a problem with your teeth that needs to be addressed, and here are a couple important things to know.

The main causes of sugar sensitivity

Candy is a food item that is high in sugar, and if you are feeling pain or strange feelings with one or more of your teeth when you eat this type of food, it is probably due to a sugar sensitivity. The main reason you feel sharp pains or discomfort from sugary foods is due to a loss of enamel on your teeth. When you lose the enamel on your teeth, your teeth will be vulnerable to problems, and they will be more sensitive too. This sensitivity might only appear when eating sugary foods, but this sensitive area of your mouth might also feel pain and discomfort from cold foods too.

The causes of tooth enamel loss

When you lose the enamel from your teeth, it is called enamel erosion, and this process happens for many reasons. Eating foods that are acidic is one cause of enamel erosion. A second cause is aggressive tooth-brushing habits. You can also suffer from enamel erosion from having cavities on your teeth. Age is another factor in this. As a person ages, it is normal for the person to slowly lose the enamel from their teeth.

The solutions

If your entire mouth reacts negatively when eating sugary foods, such as candy, this may indicate that you have gum disease. If it is just one or two areas in your mouth that feel this way from sugar, then these teeth might simply need treatment.

In either case, dentists may be able to provide a solution for this problem by placing composite resin bonding on the teeth that are very sensitive to sugar. If the cause of the problem is gum disease, you may have to go through a deep cleaning in order to first treat the problem. After that, you may have to go through additional steps.

Every case is unique, so you should visit a family dentist to find out what is causing your teeth to feel this way and to learn about the solutions for this problem.
