Loose Teeth from Periodontal Disease: the Cause & How a Dentist Can Help

Do your teeth feel strange when you are chewing food because they are loose? Loose teeth are sign that you are suffering from periodontal disease, and you must seek treatment from a dentist because the disease will only get worse if you don't. In this article, find out why you have loose teeth and what a dentist can do to fix the problem.

How Can Periodontal Disease Cause Multiple Teeth to Get Loose?

If your teeth are loose due to having periodontal disease, it is because you failed to get treated for gum disease when it was in the mild form known as gingivitis. The infection from gingivitis became worse and made it to the jawbone area of your mouth. Gum disease caused your jawbones to get weak, which is bad because the bones are vital for keeping teeth securely in your gums. It is due to the weak jawbones that you have more than one loose tooth.

Periodontal disease must be treated in a prompt manner to prevent it from affecting other areas of your body, especially if it is already so severe that your teeth are loose. If the disease has also lead to you having one or more abscesses, the toxic pus inside of them can get into your bloodstream. It is when your bloodstream is affected when you will begin to experience problems in other areas of your body, such as a full body inflammation.

What Can a Dentist Do About Loose Teeth from Periodontal Disease?

Before your loose teeth are treated, the dentist will give you an x-ray to confirm that they are loose from periodontal disease causing weak jawbones. You will likely have to get all of the loose teeth extracted to treat the problem. The dentist will also place you on antibiotics to heal periodontal disease.

If you want teeth after the loose teeth are extracted, dental implants may be possible. However, you will have to undergo bone grafting before you can get dental implants. Bone grafting is a way to get jawbone back, whether it be grafts of any healthy jawbone still in your mouth or artificial grafts. The grafts are needed so the dentist can install metal posts in your gums to secure the dental implants.

Once you are treated for periodontal disease, it is vital for you to keep your teeth and gums clean so the disease won't come back. Make an appointment (with dentists like Richard L. Myers, DDS) so you won't have to chew with loose teeth!
