3 Rare Sleep Disorders That You May Have Instead Of Sleep Apnea
If you suspect that you have a sleep disorder yet doctors have been unable to diagnose you, you should be aware that there are several rare sleep-related conditions that even doctors haven't heard of. Doctors are more familiar with sleep apnea, narcolepsy and other well-known disorders. Here are some of the strangest and rarest sleep disorders that most people have never heard of:
Kleine-Levine Syndrome
This sleep disorder, which typically manifests during adolescence, consists of episodes in which greater amounts of sleep is needed. Sufferers can sleep for as many as 22 hours a day, waking only for meals and to use the bathroom. During an episode, when a sufferer is awake, extremely bizarre behavior is exhibited, and the person is often child-like, disoriented, lethargic and apathetic. There is no cure for Kleine-Levine Syndrome, and if you suspect that you have this debilitating sleep disorder, then you should seek help with finding a doctor for possible treatment by contacting helpful foundations.
Fatal Familial Insomnia
This rare genetic sleep disorder goes way beyond a typical case of insomnia. Unlike regular insomnia, Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI) fails to respond to sleeping pills and other treatments to induce sleep. Affecting about 40 families worldwide, FFI, which often manifests during a person's mid-life, causes sufferers to exhibit symptoms similar to dementia. As the condition progresses, the sufferer eventually begins functioning in a "twilight sleep" before falling into a coma and subsequently dying. There is currently no cure, and if you believe you might have FFI, then there is support available.
Exploding Head Syndrome
This sleep disorder is characterized by the sound and sensation of the head exploding as a person falls asleep. However, it is a relatively harmless, although it usually induces fear and great distress. For some, "explosions" occur only very rarely, while for others it can happen numerous times each night. While Exploding Head Syndrome typically begins in middle-aged adults, cases have been documented in children as young as ten.
If you suspect that you suffer from this sleep disorder, then you might want to see a doctor for treatment. Treatment might consist of stress-relief, medication for anxiety, and ensuring that you get adequate sleep, which could, of course, be impossible, if you're experiencing frequent episodes.
So if you're sure you don't have sleep apnea, but your doctor is sending you for sleep apnea treatment, then you might want to find a specialist. There are doctors that specialize in rare sleep disorders, so you can get the proper diagnosis that you deserve. However, if you truly suffer from sleep apnea, and not one of these rare conditions, then a sleep apnea dentist can definitely be of assistance. Contact a clinic such as Boyd & Boyd Dentistry for more information.