The Importance Of Having Early Orthodontic Assessments

In times past, it was normal for orthodontic evaluations to be undertaken when youngsters reached their early teens and all permanent teeth were in place. However, recent advances means that child development is better understood and, with more sophisticated methods and materials available, orthodontic assessments are now done at a younger age. The following are orthodontic issues that may affect those who are young together with benefits of going for early orthodontic assessments.

Some Orthodontic Issues That Are Commonly Found In Seven Year Olds

  1. Protruding teeth, known as buck teeth. This is where the top front teeth protrude beyond other teeth. 
  2. Under bite. This occurs where the top teeth fit inside the arch of the bottom ones.
  3. Deep bite. This is a situation where the top teeth cover the bottom ones.
  4. Open bite. Here, only the back teeth make contact when biting down.
  5. Cross bite. This is a situation where the bottom teeth don't fit properly insider the upper ones.
  6. Overlapping or crowded teeth. This is where the teeth have too little or too much space.
  7. The front teeth are misaligned. This happens when there is a gap in the alignment of the upper and lower front teeth.   
  8. Some teeth are missing. If it is the case that one or more primary teeth never developed, there will be no permanent teeth to erupt in their place. It may also be found that some adult teeth are not formed or cannot erupt by themselves.
  9. Too many teeth. There may be extra teeth, teeth that have doubled, or deformed teeth. 

The Benefits of Getting Orthodontic Treatment Early

Having an orthodontic assessment early gives a timely warning of any issues and provides the chance for those problems to be treated effectively. Early diagnosis allows development and growth to be properly directed, which can help avoid more critical problems later.

Orthodontics is also known as Phase 1 or interceptive treatment. The following are some of the benefits of interceptive treatment:

  1. Creates space for crowded teeth as they erupt
  2. Guides jaw growth to create symmetry in the face
  3. Reduces the possibility of trauma to front teeth that are protruding
  4. Maintains space for incoming teeth
  5. Lessens the risk of needing to have teeth removed
  6. Reduces the need for Phase II treatment with the use of braces

When all permanent teeth have erupted, Phase II orthodontic treatment starts. This generally means going for full braces rather than treatment to a specific area. 


Early orthodontic treatment is not something all children will require. Although some won't need early treatment, it is a good idea to understand in advance what the options for moving forward are. It is crucial not to forget that the real aim is to align the bite, rather than address a cosmetic issue. All the steps described above are easy to achieve if they are done in a phased manner. Neglecting early orthodontic evaluation, with people like, can mean more complicated and costly treatment to fix the same issues later.  
